A Blitzkrieg of Baloney

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Most people have no idea how much of their thinking is shaped by falsehood and deception. We are deluged daily with a veritable tusnami of disinformation. It’s often been said that if we do not follow the news we are uninformed; if we follow it we are misinformed. If you are to discover the facts, it is usually best to look in the opposite direction of the public rhetoric.

The barrage is incessant. We are constantly warned by fear-mongers of a virtually fictitious global warming. We hear ad infinitum of the victimhood of the most privileged people on the planet—women. And, although they have made the greatest contributions to the well being of the human race, white people are now denounced as evil and should do everyone a favor and leave the planet.

We are told of how wonderful it is to have an abortion, how great it is to not have kids, and the freedom of not having borders. People sing the praises of questionable notions such as equality, diversity and multiculturalism. We are made to believe that Islam is a religion of peace, although for some unexplainable reason the vast majority of terrorists turn out to be Muslim. Without a shred of scientific support, we are taught that gender is merely a social construct. We are fed skewed statistics regarding sodomites, blacks, rape culture, socialism, the wage gap, and the domestic abuse of women.

Higher learning is no longer about education, it’s about indoctrination. News sources no longer give you news, they give you propaganda. History is being rewritten. Great western literature is being discarded in favor of more politically correct material. Science has been co-opted by scientism. Virtue is made to look like vice; perversion is portrayed as normal.

The mind benders are hard at work.

Consider it likely that you have been deceived.

Arm yourself against this epidemic of ideological insanity. Develop discernment and critical thinking. Watch out for slick irrational slogans. Turn off the mainstream media. Read old books. Keep your eyes open. Pray.

And be patient. Lies don’t stand the test of time. Roger Scruton said it well: “Deconstruction deconstructs itself . . . leaving only a disembodied smile and a faint smell of sulfur.”

And be warned—”Truth seldom goes without a scratched face.”

–J. O. Schulz

We Are There Now


We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that grass is green.

–G. K. Chesterton‏